What did we do to deserve such great friends?
The answer is nothing because in reality we do not deserve dogs. They are wholesome, will love you no matter what and are loyal to an adorable amount. There is a reason why there is a thing such as anxiety companion doggos and the such. Who will calm you down whenever you’re feeling down?
I might not be the biggest dog lover in the world but even I can admit that dogs love their family unconditionally. And the following pictures prove that. So whenever you’re scared, don’t fear your doggo will help you. And if you don’t have a dog then what are you exactly doing here?
#1 The owner was injured in a fall.

#2 This doggo saved his owner from freezing.

#3 Cuddles make everyone feel better.

#4 Pets taking care of their owner.

#5 The doggo knows his parent is pregnant.

#6 This doggo is here to support his hooman.

#7 That baby has two fathers.

#8 ‘I’ll keep you warm and snug after you saved me.’

My dog fell into an icy pond yesterday. My wife jumped in and saved him. This is how they slept last night.
#9 A surprise birthday for the father.

Today is my dad’s birthday, and all he wanted was to snuggle with our dog, who he hasn’t seen for a week because he’s been in the hospital. We managed to get clearance for this birthday surprise!
#10 Watching TV with your best bud.

#11 ‘Take my paw and you’ll feel better.’

#12 ‘Do you want my toy?’

#13 ‘This will make you feel better.’

#14 We will keep you safe.

#15 The baby is so happy.

#16 Someone to raise the spirits at the ICU.

Meet Eddie, the Hospital Therapy Dog who is always carrying around his bookbag of toys and can always be found in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
#17 The baby is not too sure about this one.

#18 ‘Is it alright if I sit here?’

#19 ‘I will always be there for you.’

#20 That smile is everything.

My dog takes care of me when I’m sick, he’s always watching me and he only sleeps when I’m sleeping. I took this picture right after I woke up.
#21 ‘I know I hurt you but when will you come back from the hospital?’

My dog tripped up my dad while playing catch in the backyard causing him to fall and fracture his tibia and fibula. He has been waiting at the front door for hours like this waiting for him to come home from the hospital.
#22 ‘We will not let you move.’

#23 ‘I will stand guard while you use the bathroom.’

#24 The sick grandmother is going to be all healed now.

#25 ‘Don’t say goodbye.’

#26 The two best nurses ever.

#27 Is this calming you down?

#28 You will get all better because you have me.

#29 You don’t need a blanket.

#30 When your bae won’t let your arm go.

My flatmates dog knows when I have a bad day. She grabbed my arm and hugged it. Then I tried to move away…she said no. Once content, she fell asleep.
#31 Tell me what ails you.

#32 We will all nap together.

#33 I will protect you from everything little hooman.

#34 You will not kiss my love.

My girlfriend fell asleep with my dog and he gave me this look after I kissed her on the cheek.
#35 Going to the dentist just got a little less scary.

#36 Am I making you feel better?

#37 When your sick and your friends are ‘helping’.

#38 And old doggo but a good doggo.

My sweet girl is getting old and has bad legs, so she doesn’t really come upstairs to my room anymore. I leave to go to college in a day, and she’s been laying here all night. It’s like she knows I’m leaving; I swear dogs have a sixth sense.
#39 Waiting for your parent to get home.

#40 Hug first all the other stuff later.

#41 Why are you coughing?

#42 Who needs a bed when you’ve got a big doggo?

#43 Am I doing a good job?

#44 I like reading much more than causing a ruckus.

#45 You’re not going to leave me again, right?

#46 We will make you feel better.

#47 Are your ears all warm now?

#48 I will always be your friend.

Even on a sick day, my youngest always has a friend.
#49 Are you okay?

#50 I think I can hear the heartbeat.

What do you think of these loving doggos? Comment down below and let us know. Don’t forget to share with your friends as well.