Logical, but not banal advice

Spring is gaining momentum: the sun is warming, the birds are chirping, and outside the window are positive temperatures. Looking at all this, the skin begins to hint to us that it would be nice to correct home care. After all, it also changes with nature.

Some of these changes will be positive, and some will bring additional trouble.

What should be done to make the reflection in the mirror more pleasing with the advent of spring?

In the spring, ultraviolet levels begin to rise, and everywhere there are tips to start using sunscreen so that pigmentation does not appear.

The advice is good and correct. You just need to remember that:

  1. Up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation passes through clouds. Bad weather is no reason to skip SPF on that day.
  2. In the city, up to 90% of solar radiation is reflected from glass and asphalt. Even if you are sitting in the shade under an umbrella or a canopy, reflected ultraviolet comes to you from walls, windows, roads, cars.

Pigmentation is not a very pleasant thing, but it’s just slightly more intensely colored areas of the skin that do not affect its metabolism in any way. But there are rather more important structures of our skin that the sun will “break”, and this will come back to haunt us with big problems.


Many of the thinnest blood capillaries located in the dermis are very good at catching ultraviolet light, which in turn damages their walls. And after a while we admire the rosaceous mesh and shrug our shoulders – nothing foreshadowed trouble.With the arrival of spring and before the onset of summer, it is worth supporting and strengthening our capillaries with vascular-strengthening creams, gels and serums. We need to prepare them for an even greater load during the peak period.
The composition of such cosmetics will include such vascular-strengthening components as extracts of chestnut, hops, arnica, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc.

Add a vasoconstrictor to your day or night routine. Just remember that daily creams will be more effective than one vascular strengthening mask per week. If you have a tendency to rosacea, then creams plus all kinds of firming masks will make up a powerful tandem.


For skin with rosacea, the sun is one of the main triggers for flare-ups. Therefore, not only use sunscreen, but also add skin care products that will reduce the level of chronic inflammation in the skin in advance.Pay attention to cosmetics with powerful antioxidant complexes and oils rich in omega-3 alpha-linolenic and omega-6 gamma-linolenic acids. These are oils from cranberry seed, black currant seed, evening primrose, borage or camelina, sea buckthorn and hemp oils.

Unfortunately, such skin does not always agree to products with SPF. Very often, she is naughty and gives out an allergic reaction even to such harmless filters as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. While covid was raging, face masks protected skin with rosacea very well. Now I can only advise you to start a collection of wide-brimmed hats or paper sun umbrellas.


The sun causes photoaging, and one of the mechanisms of this very photoaging is the destruction of collagen under the action of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, before the sun begins to mow down our collagen right and left, it is worth taking care of the skin and supporting its internal synthesis.Here we will be helped by any cosmetic products that will be labeled “anti-aging”, “lifting”, “strengthening collagen”. It’s only worth considering that the collagen growth cycle in the skin is about 30 days and you need to run for stimulants for it now in order to have time to strengthen everything in advance.

By the way, in the battle against rosacea, additional help to collagen will only be a plus. A collagen mesh, like stockings, wraps around and supports all capillaries and vessels. Even if the wall of the capillary weakens, a good collagen frame around it will not allow it to deform.


Our microflora, which is responsible for the fact that we don’t have pimples on our face, relaxes somewhat during the winter, gets used to the absence of sun and ultraviolet radiation, and in early spring finds itself in a state of shock.Still remember that ultraviolet has a bactericidal effect? So he begins to thin out the rows of microorganisms on our skin. Unfortunately, the most beneficial bacteria are also the most delicate, and they are the first to be knocked out by the sun. Of course, over time, the microflora adapts, but the transitional spring month can be remembered for increased acne, irritation, and dermatitis.If you still simultaneously support your internal microflora with probiotic and prebiotic complexes, then the skin will thank you very much. After all, she is very sensitive to the state of our digestive tract. And the skin microflora is generally considered a department of the gastric.


As a cherry on the cake, the sun will add black dots to us. It will begin to oxidize the sebum in our pores more strongly. It will harden, darken, and make you crave to scrape and crush anything, anywhere.We keep ourselves in control and remember about the deep cleaning products that have become dusty over the winter on our shelves – cleansing masks, gommages, superficial peels, etc. In short, everything that will help free the skin from these uninvited guests.
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